Download Southbeach Modeller v4
This page provides the latest version of Southbeach Modeller. If this is the first time you have installed the software, you will enjoy a full unrestricted 30-day free trial period with no need to purchase in advance.
If you are an existing customer and updating, please download and install the latest version. Your existing license will be valid for minor (digit) updates. Note, a new license may be required for major (integer) upgrades.
Windows 11, 10
Use Parallels or Fusion.
The links below provides access to an industry standard Installer (approx. 14MB). Choice of .exe or .ZIP. Installation takes less than a minute. A wizard guides you through a short set of installation options, including choice of installation directory. Uninstaller provided.
Rest assured: We package and distribute our software using industry standard tools from Pantaray (QSetup).
Our software is thoroughly checked for virusus and malware during our build process using up-to-date signature files (McAfee).
Version 4.1 Update
- 350+ new tags/tag groups
- 30+ additional resource lists
- 35+ GPT detailed prompts
- AI Assistant analysis modes
- Updates to creativity scripts
- Grids for Wardley mapping
- 'New From' menu for templates
- Bug fixes in _SUH creativity
Version 4.0 Release
NEW content
- 100s of carefully curated ideation scripts and rulesets
- 3000 application-specific tags/tag groups
- Over 100 pre-configured grids/charts/swimlanes/pools
- Over 200 topic-specific lists of reusable elements
- Updated engine with 30+ new problem-solving keywords
NEW modules
- New cues engine, panel and MyCues directory
- New lists panel, tree and MyLists directory
- Drill down into lists as with models/sub-models/elements
- Quick grids replaced by new grids panel/tree, user customizable
- Expanded and updated research/web/patent sources
NEW tools
- Export all resource trees/branches as markdown
- Create agents from lists
- Paint agents from lists
- Jackson Pollack from lists
- Invert selected set of objects
- Select via causes/implications
- Select via exact match
- Select via 'like me'
- Instantly create grid 'boxes' from any tag group
- Instantly create grid 'columns' from any tag group
- Instantly create grid 'rows' from any tag group
- Follow causes of highlighted agents (root cause)
- Follow effects of highlighted agents (implications)
- Highlight 'patterns', w/ many patterns supported
- More harmful, more useful
- Randomize counter effects
- Randomize effect direction
- Randomize perspective
- Shuffle agents
Notation 1.0
- Visual for 'dysfunctional' finalised for agents and effects
Rules engine
- Rules engine on/off set in toolbar (rules ideation)
- Cues engine on/off set in toolbar (cues ideation)
- Creativity 'extent (laser, wider etc.) set in toolbar
- Creativity (idea generation) limit set by user
- Several new derived pattern keywords
- Spaces now supported in tag groups/tags
- Underscore (_) matches spaces in tag groups/tags
- ! (not) now supported for MR in MyReports
UX enhancements
- Search model via substring, exact string or notation pattern
- All trees (tags, rules, grids, lists etc.) are now searchable
- Choice of rulesets are now persisted in environment
- Expanded shortcut keys, see reference guide
- Drag rulesets from library to model creativity
- Improved organization of the assist tools
- Internal brower removed, now always external browser
- Faster entry of multiple new model tags
- Toolbar icons wrap correctly for smaller windows
- Trim canvas feature
- All reported v3 bugs fixed
Release notes for legacy versions of Southbeach Modeller